2024 Ford F-250 | vs. | 2024 RAM 2500 |
$44,970 MSRP | Starting Price | $47,740 MSRP |
6.8L 2-valve DEVCT PFI gas V8 | Base Engine | 6.4L gas V8 |
405 hp | Standard Horsepower | 410 hp |
445 lb-ft | Standard Torque | 429 lb-ft |
TorqShift® 10-speed automatic | Base Transmission | 8-speed automatic |
23,000 pounds | Maximum Available Towing Capacity | 19,990 pounds |
Are you deciding between the Ford F-250 and the RAM 2500 for your next pickup truck? It’s a tough decision, especially considering how close of a competition it is when you directly compare the Ford F-250 vs. RAM 2500. That said, the F-250 pulls ahead of the RAM 2500 in a few key areas. Review the Ford F-250 vs. RAM 2500 comparison chart above for a quick overview, then read below for the nitty-gritty details.
Affordability is a sensible place to start this Ford Super Duty vs. RAM 2500 comparison. After all, a new truck can be a big expense for many Blanchard drivers, especially when looking at heavy-duty trucks like these. Choosing a new 2024 Ford F-250 will save you almost $3,000! The entry-level F-250 starts at $44,970 MSRP, while an entry-level RAM 2500 starts at $47,740 MSRP.
The next stop in our comparison of Ford Super Duty vs. RAM 2500 trucks is performance. Not only can you save a good amount of money on an entry-level F-250, but you’ll also get superior specs. The base engine in the F-250 has greater torque and a more effective transmission, so you’ll be successful on Stonewall-area job sites. Compare the base-level specs between the F-250 vs. RAM 2500 below:
We’ve compared the base engine performance between the F-250 Ford Super Duty vs. RAM 2500, but both trucks offer more robust engine upgrade(s) for Bossier City drivers who require more muscle. Compare the towing capabilities for each truck’s engine options:
In terms of the Ford F-250 vs. RAM 2500 reliability, these trucks are on equal ground. Ford and RAM have reputations for building long-lasting, durable trucks that will work as hard as you do every day in Shreveport. They also have the same basic warranty length:
The Ford F-250 provides greater maximum towing capabilities, a smoother transmission, and more standard torque for a lower price than the RAM 2500. Contact us to plan an F-250 test drive at Rountree Ford, where you can also compare the F-250 vs. F-150. No matter what truck you choose, our new Ford specials can help you get a great deal.