Best Florists Shreveport LA


Looking for wedding bouquets for your special day? Need to send a thoughtful gift? These florists in Shreveport, LA, will be able to provide you with the perfect flowers for whatever your needs may be!

Flowers and Country


This family owned and operated florist has everything you need when it comes to flowers. Get an appointment to meet with one of their experts to design the perfect complement to your special event or wedding day.

They have a variety of arrangements too that you can send as a gift. Search their website and order one of their unique floral arrangement for that special someone. You can also choose to send balloons, chocolates, or a stuffed animal along with the flowers!

If you not quite sure what to get, they will be happy to help you pick out a design that matches the personality of whoever is receiving the flowers.

Flower Power


This family establishment will provide you with the finest floral arrangements along with friendly service. This is backed by their 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Get your significant other roses for your anniversary, have them deliver flowers for a family member’s birthday, or even send the comfort of flowers to a friend as a get-well gift.

Their professional designers can even help you with your wedding planning. With their free consultations and personal attention to your tastes, Flower Power will help you pick out the perfect flowers for your big day!

Time to Smell the Roses!

Order your flowers online or stop by one of these florists today!